Mighty Solutions

We are pleased to offer you an unusually courageous approach to solving the assigned tasks and alternative solutions in various areas of multimedia, software and industry.

Mighty Solutions

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Whether you need an illustration, photo or product image, a logo for your brand - we will be happy to help you with that. A wealth of experience accumulated over 10 years of design work.

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A living embodiment of design and interaction to solve your problems. All kinds of variations of gaming and multimedia software.

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Development of both small game prototypes and full-fledged AAA products on a turnkey basis. All known platform platforms: from mobile devices, consoles and PCs to payment terminals and various custom devices.

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Virtual Reality

Creation of new realities with the effect of total immersion. The use of both simple mobile helmets and complex solutions using various sensors, including the development of our own.

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Aumented and Mixed Reality

Combining reality with virtual objects of varying degrees of complexity, detail and interactivity. Various solutions for tracking movements in space, geolocation and navigation both indoors and outdoors.

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Development of software and hardware systems for solving various non-trivial tasks in the field of industry, security and military industry. reliability, accuracy and durability. Strict adherence to all required confidentiality and information protection standards.

Assets and projects

Our main publicly available projects and directions, partners and clients, which we can talk about publicly without violating the NDA.

Main assets

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Auto Guide

One of the earliest projects that went through many iterations. Initially, it was created as a solution for visualizing car models in a browser, as part of the multiplayer game project MR1.com. Then it transformed into a platform for creating virtual car guides, a news portal and a car, spare parts and tuning store. A mobile app is available as an example : 3D Catalog

This decision was part of several projects, such as MR1.com, GT1.com, NCar.com.

For more info: Alexey Cardo     e-mail: a(at)cardo.it
tel: +1-934-444-24-78 , +7-925-243-77-20

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Null Real

The first joint startup with Mikhail Maleev, which was originally aimed at its own solution for tracking the player's body position for attractions in virtual reality. For VR tracking tasks, several solutions have been created, ranging from head tracking, then the whole body, and ultimately creating a portable do-it-yourself solution that does not require external cameras and sensors. It got the name : NR-GEN3

After a relatively small financial success of this direction, it was decided to move to other directions, such as augmented reality.

For more info: Null Real    Mikhail Maleev    e-mail: office(at)nullreal.com
tel: +7-968-898-96-88